Dealing with a Narcissist with Patrick McGinnis & Yael Melamed

I believe Narcissism is the root of most evil in our world. Thankfully there are ways to identify, manage, navigate, and eradicate it. Thank you to Patrick McGinnis, one of my favorite FOMO Sapiens for letting me share FOMO Therapy on what has become one of my favorite topics–educating people, businesses, and institutions, with the purpose of overcoming narcissism in our organizations and our lives.  This was a short 15 minutes, and there is a lot more to say!


Listen to the episode here:

If You Can Make Meaning From Suffering — You Can Genuinely Heal. Yael Melamed & Valeria Koopman

Valeria Koopman started a blog because she couldn’t find friends who wanted to have the meaningful conversations she was craving. An author, podcaster, speaker, and coach herself, she has created a community of change-makers through her Fit for Joy and Quest for Wellbeing podcasts. Valeria wove us seamlessly through conversations spanning how to leverage your heart/essential goodness to optimize concrete results in business and life; how to break free, find your purpose, and become who you really are; how to bear pain gracefully and let go of suffering; and how death can allow us to live better. 



Make Space for Growth With Yael Melamed and Sara Vicente

I loved talking with Sara Vicente, a colleague from Harvard Business School. What a woman. MD at Morgan Stanley, CEO of a beautiful charity, Mum of two, and side hustle as Make Space for Growth writer/podcaster to bring reflection, growth, and hope to the world. Sara and I discuss how COVID demands that we let go of control–there is no other choice if you want to thrive–and the best ways to embrace surrender. From one recovered perfectionist to a recovering perfectionist…


Raise Your Game Show with Alan Stein, Jr. & Yael Melamed

Yael Melamed, Leadership Coach and Psychotherapist, sits down with Alan Stein Junior—who has coached superstar athletes including Kevin Durant, LeBron James, Steph Curry, and Kobe Bryant—for his Raise Your Game Show podcast. Alan and Yael realize that high-performing athletes and psychotherapists come to understand many of the same life principles, albeit through completely different pathways. They discuss how to control stress, cultivate resilience, and maintain a growth mindset. And in these charged times, Alan and Yael naturally cover the topic of the art of respectful dialogue and its necessity at this moment in human evolution.

Harvard Business School Circles Global Speaker Series: Cultivating Well-Being and Purpose During a Pandemic

Yael Melamed, leadership coach and psychotherapist, sits down with Patrick McGinnis (the guy who coined the term FOMO!) to explore the potent opportunity the COVID-19 crisis has brought— to grow, find purpose, and cultivate calm. Melamed believes that while change feels uncomfortable and inevitable, it remains our choice whether we evolve proactively, or wait for life to kick us in the shins to catalyze growth.

Mental Health Discussion: Dr. Darria & Yael Melamed

Dr. Darria and Yael Melamed sit down to discuss how to cultivate resilience, reduce suffering and find your purpose during COVID-19.

Cultivating Resilience in a Pandemic

Originally posted on Harvard Business Review’s Fomo Sapiens: Yael Melamed, a psychotherapist and executive coach, explains how she cultivates spirituality, humor, and resilience in the face of adversity – lessons she learned from a wide-ranging career that started in business. Melamed says that tragedy and hardship can be powerful opportunities for personal growth.

Healthy Family: Tackling Tough Subjects

To learn about how to get through conflict at home constructively, listen to my 10 minute radio interview with Dr Darria Long Gillespie.

Researchers believe they can determine–with 90% accuracy–how long a couple will stay together by observing their interactions for only a few minutes. There are clear communication guidelines that can help you preserve the quality of your relationship, which in turn influences your children and the entire healthy family system.

We are Wired for Connection

Learn more about the neuroscience behind relationships in my 10-minute radio segment.

We are wired for connection. As the social fabric changes due to technology and globalization in the digital age, relationships are more important than ever. It’s easy to imagine that human contact affects your psychological health, but did you know that having close relationships can help you live longer?

The Currency of Connection

Along with co-panelist Lisa Marie Platske, I discuss connection and vulnerability in relationships and business. The interviewer is Susan Westerbrook, author of The Five Tibetans Yoga Workshop, which outlines a 2,500 year-old system of yogic exercises to tone the body and heal the soul. This interview offers knowledge and tools that will help you refine your ability to achieve the results you want in relationships and in business–while feeling good about yourself!